Melanie McCree

Happy Jack’s Tomato Ranch, Part Two

April 16: Beth and Melanie are profoundly grateful to hear any voice other than Tangentia’s Chief Duncan Hoss is solid. Solid head, solid shoulders, solid temperament, solid sense of right and wrong, solid in a crisis. If Duncan Hoss views something as a...

Happy Jack’s Tomato Ranch, Part One

April 16: Beth and Melanie return to the Sheriff’s Office and sit in the back row, to no avail On the way to this week’s class, I explained my masterful plan to Beth: “Last week, the people in the back row just wouldn’t stop talking. They were...

What Does The Fox Say / Yoga (Part 3)

 April 9. Beth and Melanie are still at the Sheriff’s Office. They’ve been acting like adults for over three hours, even after the “What Does The Fox Say?” story. We had a short break, and then our next speaker, whose name and title I did not...

What Does The Fox Say? / Yoga (Part 2)

April 9: Beth and Melanie, still in the Sheriff’s Office classroom, meet two more members of the force. Sheriff Horch is a conqueror masquerading as a good ol’ boy. Rangy and bright-eyed and spring-loaded. He introduced himself as “a politician, not...

What Does The Fox Say? / Yoga (Part 1)

I am a writer. One of my characters is a law officer, and I’ve been putting off writing his story because there are so many details I could get wrong. That’s what I wrote in the “Tell us why you want to attend the Citizen’s Academy” box....